Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to download and install sublime text 3 full license | LEAPPENG TUTORIALS

There are many Code Editors available on the internet used by Software Developers. Some popular ones include Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code,  Notepad++, and Brackets. Obviously there are many more but these are the ones I have personally used before. A lot of choices exist when it comes to choosing the right Code Editor and it depends on what kind of feature you require from your Code Editor. Some code editors like the Sublime Text 3 are very fast even with thousands of lines of code, others are sluggish when you have that number of lines of code.

Why Sublime Text 3 Code Editor?

Sublime Text 3 is by far the best Code Editor I have used simply because it is fast and easy to use and comes with lots of features. Many people choose Sublime Text as their favorite text editor because it is very user friendly. It has everything you need, which includes syntax highlighting, auto-completion, spell checker, multiple selections, split editing support, code folding, all in one editor.

Sublime Text also supports many additional software packages that the developer can download to make their coding lives easier. If you are familiar with the Notepad++ theme, there is a similar theme available for you to download for use in Sublime Text 3. Some developers feel comfortable coding in dark themes, for this reason, fans of Brackets editor can get the same theme as the Monokai Soda theme in Sublime Text as well.

Steps to activate Sublime Text 3

With all the wonderful features available, it is no surprise that the Sublime Text Code Editor does not come free. In fact, it costs $80 for the full version of the code editor. You can, however, use the evaluation version for a period of time, but you will be required to purchase a license key if you want to enjoy all the cool features.

There is also an option to activate your evaluation version with a shared License key, however, when that license key has been used many times, it becomes invalid and deactivated on the Sublime Text servers. After the license key is deactivated on the servers, your activated Sublime Text Code Editor becomes deactivated and you will be required to buy the license key if you want to continue to use the software.

But here is the trick, after you have activated your version of Sublime Text with the available license key, you need to block it from accessing the internet. In this way when the license key is deactivated on the servers, your version will not have access to the internet to crosscheck your license key. You can use any antivirus Firewall which allows you to block specific software from accessing the internet. I will recommend Bullguard Antivirus. Bullguard Premium Protection comes with a Firewall as well as an Antivirus, and that Firewall is what you will need to block your Sublime Text from accessing the internet. Note that if you fail to block the software from accessing the internet, the activation will be unsuccessful after you restart the software.


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